CSR – Social Economic Responsibility
FRIGORIFICO VISOM S.A. contributes in an active and voluntary role for the betterment of social, economic, and environmental aspects. This implies legal and contractual obligations as well as doing everything possible to preserve the natural resources and cultures while respecting diversity and promoting the reduction of societal inequality.
Over the last few years, we understood the new challenges presented in today’s world and integrated them to the business model. We have started, little by little, to develop several management tools that have now evolved and formed a unique integrated management system for the sustainability.
We develop all our productive activities within a responsible and environmentally friendly management framework. Our main supplies come from the land and we are committed to preserving natural resources so present and future generations can satisfy their needs. The implementation and maintenance of environmental management systems are the tools we use to fulfill our commitments.

Quality and Food Safety Commitment
Complete and strict control of the industrial production process.
Unique and exclusive selection and classification protocol.

Strict Control
Livestock, Slaughter process, Chambers, Deposits and Dispatch

Unique registered TIPYCOM® selection and typification process that allows us to carry out an exclusive and consistent segmentation according to the needs of the clients, use of the product and gastronomic evaluation of the cut.

Technology and HR applied to the selection

Food Safety
Official establishments approved by Senasa under strict national and international protocols for quality and food safety.
Through a third-party certifying company, the attributes defined for the products are confirmed, according to an established protocol.
Delivery of Trousseau
We also deliver trousseaus to our colleagues with newborn children, one of the benefits that our Union has for members and their families. We share this image of the delivery at frigorifico Visom.
Frigorífico Visoma’s civic responsibility includes body and soul. A non-profit civil association was started work in 2005 with the aim to provide health assistance and education to vulnerable communities in the north of Argentina.
Nowadays, a modern organization should work without worrying about the environment. Frigorífico Visom S.A.I.C. does not escape this reality. Leading a new project to increase capacity and efficiency of liquid effluent treatment. Our policies are to promote environmental responsibility, preservation of biodiversity, prevention of pollution, efficient management of resources, reduction of generating waste (recycling, reusing, and taking the advantage). We advocate the reduction in consumption of non-renewable resources such as gas and water. Our company takes an active role in protecting the maximum of all environmental aspects that can be modified by our operational activity.

Legal Address:
3400, B1613CFP Los Polvorines,
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Plant Nr
China Reg. Nr:
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We send out relevant info about our company’s whereabouts, employees, and trends and our offers in the ever-changing world of business.